
How to view GravityForms responses

Gravity Forms is a powerful tool for creating and managing forms on your WordPress site. Here’s how to view the…

Gravity Forms is a powerful tool for creating and managing forms on your WordPress site. Here’s how to view the responses submitted through Gravity Forms:

1. Log In to WordPress:

Access your WordPress dashboard using admin credentials.

2. Navigate to Forms:

Click “Forms”: On the left sidebar, find and click the “Forms” tab.

3. Choose Form:

Select Form: Click on the specific form for which you want to view responses.

4. Access Entries:

Entries: Within the form’s settings, click the “Entries” tab.

5. View Responses:

a. Entries List: You’ll see a list of responses submitted through the form.
b. Click on Entry: Click on an individual entry to view the detailed responses.

6. (Optional) Export Data:

Export: If desired, you can export form responses as CSV or other formats for further analysis.

7. (Optional) Filter and Search:

Filters: Use filters and search options to find specific responses quickly.

By following these steps, you can conveniently view and manage the responses submitted through Gravity Forms in WordPress. This enables you to analyze data, gather insights, and maintain effective communication with your audience.

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